The inevitable evolution from wearables to embedables
The inevitable evolution from wearables to embedables is at once both exciting and horrifying.
Let’s think about bluetooth headsets. They are already becoming smaller, and will soon be invisible.
I believe that bluetooth headsets will miniaturize to the point of being so tiny they will be embedded subdermally, perhaps behind your ear. We’ll solve the battery issues through using the body’s own heat, or through body motion.
What will this give us? Only telepathy. You’ll be able to communicate mind-to-mind with anyone on the planet through this device that is part of you, initially by voicing words sub-vocally, but perhaps one day through splicing directly into nerves.
It is as exciting as it is inevitable.
What is also inevitable is a despotic regime somewhere will use such capabilities to pipe their propaganda directly to their citizens minds. Can you imagine, from birth, having this incessant stream of brainwashing beamed directly to your brain? Its horrifying.
So, along with the best case scenarios with dreaming of new technologies, let’s also think of the nightmare worst-case scenarios, and make sure we do what we can to mitigate them. In this case, let’s start with a physical off-switch.